How are students evaluated?
- Evaluation consists of a substantive written report, a written proposal 6-8 double-spaced pages in length, oral or poster presentation (which will be determined by the supervisor), and quality of the project work.
- The proposal is due to your supervisor (and the course administrator) one month after the last date to add a course and will be worth 15%.
- The supervisor and student will jointly determine the components that will comprise the calculation of the final grade and how much each is worth; in addition to the written proposal (15%), written report, and oral or poster presentation, these may include quality of work, statistical analysis of data, and participation in lab meetings.
- The final written report and presentation combined must be worth a minimum of 50% of the final grade, with the presentation worth 20%.
- The expectations for an acceptable length for the written report will be communicated to the student by the supervisor. Written reports by past students have been approximately 10-15 double-spaced pages and are often written in the format of a manuscript to be submitted for publication to a journal. The submission date for the final report will be determined by the supervisor; usually this is close to the presentation date, but no later than 10 days after the last day of classes, as grades must be submitted by the supervisor to the course administrator by then.
- The oral or poster presentation mtake place during the Study Week in April (or an equivalent time in the summer session).
- The supervisor must submit a final grade and a brief (approximately one-two paragraph) critique of the student’s work, outlining the strengths and weaknesses of the work, and a rationale for the mark assigned. A copy of the critique will be given to the student on request.
- Note: the University of Toronto’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters applies to work produced for this course! This means proper referencing and citing of materials must be followed!
- For writing advice and resources, please visit: