Student Research & News

Meet Khaled Elemam, the A&S grad who developed an exciting new search engine for proteins

MAX1-dependent seed germination bypasses GA signalling in Arabidopsis and Striga

Published: May 2020

Authors: Michael Bunsick, Shigeo Toh, Cynthia Wong, Zhenhua Xu, George Ly, Christopher S. P. McErlean, Gianni Pescetto, Kawther Elfituri Nemrish, Priscilla Sung, Jack Daiyang Li, Julie D. Scholes and Shelley Lumba

George Ly was a 4th year student in the BCB program.  This publication is based on his 3rd year BCB330 research project. 


Structure-based view of the druggable genome

Published: February 2020

Authors: Jiayan Wang, Setayesh Yazdani, Ana Han, Matthieu Schapira. Jiayan Wang is a current 4th year student in the BCB program.  This publication is based on her 3rd year BCB330 research project.